Silk Milk Redesign

Gwen Riemer and Claire Goetzke

Objective: Redesign Silk Soy Milk packaging

Silk’s current website

Their website has an earthy and simple style that is not reflected in their product’s packaging 

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Design Goals

  • Add Personality: Earthy, Adventurous and Progressive

  • Compete with other new alternative milk

  • Appeal to new market

New Target Market

  • Young

  • enjoys plant based food

  • cares about the environment

“When I lay out the pros and cons for cow milk and plant based milk, it’s more about environmental reasons, and it’s a plus that there’s no lactose.”


After some research on the origins of the company, it was found that it started in Boulder, Colorado. The iconic mountains and nature is something their new target market would definitely be into, so we decided to incorporate that into our designs.

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This little piece of land that the consumer could watch change over the course of a day. Three very different colors.

Highlighted tag-lines that already existed as part of their brand. Everything on the carton was already part of their brand, just highlighted in the way it deserves.